Image of Zach Rodriguez

Zach Rodriguez

Contact Info:

phone: 661-713-3753

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I was born in Chicago but was raised for the majority of my life in beautiful southern California. My father served as a pastor for years, and I grew up always being taught the truth of the gospel. I can say I always believed the Bible was true, yet I did not understand the weight of sin and my need for salvation. Though outwardly I appeared to be a good kid, the thoughts and intentions of my heart were in complete rebellion to God. By the time I reached my freshman year of high school, I would at times had laid awake at night wondering where I would go if I died. My parents always warned me that my sin would lead me to destruction and that only Christ can save me. As time went on, I began to see firsthand the consequences of sin in the lives of people I knew. God used these experiences to shake me up and recognize that sin will never satisfy, but Christ offers true hope and peace. At 15, the Lord finally opened my eyes to his love for me, an undeserving sinner, so much that he was willing to sacrifice his life and suffer the wrath of God in my place. To this day, I stand amazed at his grace in my life. I am thankful for how he has grown me and the family and church family he has used to lead me towards him. Despite the hardships and trials I have been faced with over the years, I am thankful for the joy and strength Christ gives and his work in my life that will be perfected on the day I see him face to face.

After 4 years at TMU, I graduated in May 2021 with a degree in Business Administration and a minor in Biblical Studies. Though I spent each semester commuting to campus rather than staying in the dorms, I have benefited greatly from the community and the teaching offered at TMU. In the business department, I’ve had the privilege of learning under professors with whom I have built strong relationships and taken a deep interest in my life. I’ve particularly enjoyed Real Estate, Investments, Financial Services Management, and Introduction to Risk Management classes. These classes have provided me with an understanding of areas that can benefit me both in a future career and my own personal finances. Furthermore, I am thankful for the Bible classes I have taken during my time here. The classes that stick out in my memory the most are Old Testament Survey and Hermeneutics, which I took as an elective. Not only did they help me see God’s redemptive plan for salvation throughout the entire Biblical narrative, but they also gave me valuable tools that I will use for the rest of my life in my pursuit of knowing God through his word. I have also had the privilege of studying abroad in Israel for a full semester with the IBEX program and serving in student life, particularly in the Global Outreach program. Through serving in student life, I have developed strong discipleship relationships, especially with my Resident Director. I am also very thankful for the strong Christ-centered relationships I’ve developed with my peers over the years from participating in all of these activities at TMU. I’ve enjoyed camping and surfing with friends and participating in sports, from playing pickup games of spikeball, soccer, and basketball to winning intramural softball tournaments. Overall, I am thankful for the relationships I have built and how they have grown and stretched me in many ways, pushing me to be more like Christ.

I am thankful to be a part of the TMU admissions team because it allows me to interact with students across the U.S. and help them come to a place committed to honoring Christ and shape them into faithful followers of him who desire to honor him with their lives. I look forward to what the Lord has in store for me in the future, whether that be a career in business, vocational ministry, or something else, and I desire to be a part of that same journey for students!

My recommendation to prospective students is to start by reading the TMU mission and doctrinal statement and then explore the undergraduate degrees and programs - or even better, to do that in person on our visit days!

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