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Give To Music

Give to Music

The School of Music has established several fundraising initiatives to be carried out as the Lord provides. They include upgrading technology and equipment and providing scholarships for students. We are thankful for your support and invite you to partner with us as we look toward the future.

PLEW ENDOWMENT – The Paul and Pamela Plew Endowed Music Scholarship exists to provide sustainable funding for deserving and in-need students majoring in Music, with special consideration to those in a choir.

MUSIC RESTRICTED – Giving a gift to “Music Restricted” supports various needs as they arise within the School of Music at the discretion of the leadership within the music program.

MUSIC RESTRICTED SCHOLARSHIP FUND - Giving a gift to the “Music Restricted Scholarship Fund” provides scholarships to deserving students within the School of Music at the discretion of the leadership within the music program.

TMU VOCAL PERFORMANCE – Giving a gift to “TMU Vocal Performance” supports the vocal performance program in its various needs at the discretion of the program’s leader(s).

The Master's University equips young Christian men and women for spiritual service and leadership - on the job, in the home, and through their ministries.

Every class we teach and every degree we confer stand on the foundation of God's Word. Our students acquire knowledge from a biblical perspective, filtering everything they learn through the lens of God's Word. In other words, they gain wisdom to serve and wisdom to lead.

I invite you to join us in training the next generation of Christian leaders.

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