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Student Career Center

Student Career Center

The mission of The Master’s University Student Career Center is to assist students and alumni for a career that will have a life of enduring commitment to Christ, biblical fidelity, moral integrity, intellectual growth, and lasting contribution to the Kingdom of God worldwide.


We strive to educate and equip students with the knowledge and tools to successfully navigate the increasingly global and dynamic workforce.

Career Advising

Our Career Center team provides students with information and guidance for selecting a major, exploring careers, taking personality and leadership assessments, preparing for the competitive workplace, and much more. Meeting with a career counselor is a great way to begin organizing and planning your future. Our counselors can help you define your goals, teach you strategies to make meaningful career decisions, and help you plan your job search.


Many students arrive at The Master’s University unsure of what career and/or major they should pursue. A “self” assessment test can assist students in their personal exploration and suggest potential careers and majors that best align with their personalities.


We offer a variety of workshops throughout the year that highlight skills necessary for employable candidates to compete in the job search arena. They include resume and cover letter writing, interview techniques, networking strategies, professionalism in the workplace, and more.

Career Fairs

We offer career fairs in the fall and spring to give students excellent opportunities to engage with more than 50 business partners and community leaders. Students are encouraged to attend and use these opportunities to network and learn more about future employers. We’ve had many students walk away with job offers

Student Career Center Office

Visit the Student Career Center on North Campus.

Michael Chrzanowski

Michael Chrzanowski

Interim Director, Career Services & Advancement

The goal of The Master’s University Office of Career Services is to empower students to become dynamic agents of their own professional preparation and career outcomes. We want to help students with the formation of their career plans, which starts with helping them to identify their passions, their competencies, and their aptitudes.

We teach the importance of networking within the business community and take an interactive approach in teaching professionalism in the workplace through one-on-one counseling and workshops. Additionally, we stress the importance that our students master what it requires to customize resumes and write noticeable cover letters, so that they may put their best foot forward in interviews.

It is our pleasure to provide assurance and meaningful assistance to our students here at The Master’s University, and to help propel them into amazing opportunities for future success!

Elise Aydelotte

Elise Aydelotte

Manager, Human Resources & Student Employment

The mission of The Master’s University Office of Student Employment is to direct students to employment opportunities which will allow them to develop valuable workplace skills, and challenge them to define their character as they grow into young, Christian professionals who positively impact the world for Jesus Christ.

It is my heart to walk alongside TMU students and provide individualized guidance as they build a professional foundation consistent with their God-given talents. It is one of our greatest joys to see students and graduates find purpose and joy in a career or life position through which they fulfill God’s calling in their lives.

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