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TMU Clubs

Clubs at TMU create opportunities for students to meet and engage others who share similar interests, goals, and talents. Clubs are effective in encouraging the development of student leadership, mobilizing students toward common goals, and stimulating social, intellectual, and spiritual growth on campus.

Scroll down to view current clubs

How To Start A Club

Are you thinking of starting a club? It is a simple, 1-step process: fill out this club request form:


ASB shall grant recognition only to clubs and organizations whose stated purpose is in harmony with the mission and purpose of the ASB and The Master’s University. A majority vote of the ASB in a regular meeting shall be necessary to grant recognition.

If your club has a request for funds, click here:


As club advisor, please complete your stipend form:


School clubs are an important part of our community! Through them, students are able to express themselves and join together around common interests.

Sign up for any of the below clubs here:


Comics and Manga Club

A club for comic book and manga fans! Anyone interested in reading and discussing these mediums should join this club.

Friday Fellowship

The Friday Fellowship club is a club where both students and faculty can get together for a time of discipleship and purposeful conversations with one another. The club meets at Trophy Coffee on Friday mornings at 7:20. At 7:30 a topic from chapel is given as a prompt to guide the conversations as the group hikes to the cross and finishes with a group prayer. (On your second visit you get a free drink of choice, courtesy of Professor Nesheim)

The Empire

Play Age of empires, a computer game. Have fun. The Empire Club exists to play the computer game Age of Empires with a group of fun people.

The Mustang Legal and Political Society is a group of Master’s students who devote time to discussing legal and political matters in order to educate and open a dialogue about current events and promote political education and activity. The club will also spend designated time praying over legal and political matters in the United States and the World.

Storytellers Club

The purpose of the club would be to strengthen our storytelling skills through peer discussions. The goal would be to create a community of writers who want each other to succeed in their creative careers. Creative writing is a field that is best learned through experience and through feedback from other people who know what they are talking about.

A Time to Dance

Every fourth Saturday evening we will be learning ballroom and barn dances… Irish, Spanish, even from period dramas (Swing/waltz allowed during set breaks)! ECD is casual, simple, diverse, and an absolute blast!!


We will be trying to play volleyball in a semi casual setting, so we are looking for anybody interested in trying or learning volleyball. The main purpose is to give a place for the non-volleyball players on campus to try and get into a more dedicated setting. We have had a large group of people that play for so long, but I worry that people would be intimidated or scared to join the group, so giving others on campus the opportunity to come to a safe space and get to fellowship in this way would be great to see.


  1. Only recognized clubs or organizations may use the following terms or insignias: “The Master’s University”, “Master’s”, “TMU”, or a “The Master’s University” logo, or otherwise indicate any relationship to the college.
  2. Only recognized clubs and organizations will be granted free access to the use of TMU facilities and services, and then only upon appropriate request and approval stated in the ASB Operation Manual.
  3. Only recognized clubs or organizations may receive ASB funding pending approval of the guidelines stated in Article IX. Section 2. b.
  4. One Representative from each ASB-approved club or organization may have the privilege of the floor, but are without vote.

Remember that we are here to help you through the process. Please contact with any questions you may have about school clubs.

Request Info